• Welcome to Mr. Weingart's UMS Web Site


    Contact Information:

    Mr. Cory Weingart

    Email: cweingart@mtsd.us

    Parent Resources


    Here is a brief overview of the courses I teach.  Please refer to Parent Resources for grades and Google Classroom for assignments and content. 
    UMS Courses
    7th Grade Skills For The Digital World - in this exploratory digital literacy course, students will be exposed to a variety of tools which enhance online reading, digital composition and media literacy.  Students will learn to leverage and choose from various web-based tools that assist in annotation, note-taking, building online reading collections and research.  Additionally, students will develop the ability to access and utilize online databases, e-books and online journals.  This course prepares students for online learning in high school and beyond.

    Creative Coding and Web Design- This course will teach the mechanics and elements of both web design and coding basics.  With every aspect of modern life linking back to the internet, students will learn to create high-quality websites that have compelling information and aesthetically pleasing formats. Students will build a foundation in computational thinking by learning basic coding concepts to create coding games, animation and artwork.  Also, students will be introduced to current computer programming languages and have the opportunity to program physical objects too.

    Young Entrepreneurs- Young Entrepreneurs is a half-year elective course that teaches how to be an entrepreneur. Students who have an interest in fashion, sports, photography, cooking, or technology can develop a business from their ideas. Students will use and improve their creativity and problem-solving skills while exploring how to become an entrepreneur. During the course, students will discuss different businesses and strategies through analysis of businesses, current news events, and development of their own business. Business foundations, communication skills, financial literacy and computer skills will be explored.