    Welcome to Mrs. Young's UMS Web Site
    Mrs. Young
    Contact Information:
    Mrs. Kathy Young
    e-mail:  kyoung@mtsd.us
    Here is a brief overview of the courses I teach.  Please refer to Parent Resources for grades and Google Classroom for assignments and content. 
    UMS Courses
    7th Grade Computer Applications Cycle - in this exploratory digital literacy course, students will be exposed to a variety of tools which enhance online reading, digital composition and media literacy.  Students will learn to leverage and choose from various web-based tools that assist in annotation, note taking, building online reading collections and research.  Additionally, students will develop the ability to access and utilize online databases, e-books and online journals.  This course prepares students for online learning in high school and beyond.
    7th/8th Grade Everything Robotics Elective - students will transform from being consumers of technology to creators of technology.  This is a hands-on course that teaches science, technology, engineering and mathematical concepts in a fun and engaging way.  Students learn the valuable skills of time management, problem solving and teamwork as they complete robotic challenges.  The engineering design process is applied as students investigate real-world problems, come up with solutions and debug programs as they test and evaluate their models.  Research and current events in the areas of careers in robotics and other STEM disciplines are also integrated throughout the course.  
Last Modified on January 20, 2023