• Winter and Dry Skin Go Together

    The people highest at risk for dry skin with or without eczema are those living in developed areas and colder climates. It is a problem seen in the students in our school during the winter months. I hope you find some of the tips below helpful so that your son or daughter can remain comfortable though out their school day.

    ·         Bathe less frequently

    ·         Use a gentle fragrance-free soap, for example Dove Soap

    ·         Take quick warm showers instead of long hot baths or showers

    ·         After bathing, pat dry and immediately apply lotion or moisturizer to skin

    ·         Wear gloves or mittens and a scarf outside to protect exposed skin

    ·         Use a humidifier in the bedroom

    ·         Use lip balm throughout the day

    For more information, the website below is a good resource from the American Academy of Dermatology


Last Modified on July 31, 2022