Important Transportation Information

    • All requests for bus stop changes must be submitted in writing to the transportation department via email. Please understand when received, the transportation department will let you know if the change can be made, and when it will start. No stops will be changed during the first 2 weeks of in-person learning.
    • Parents please make sure your contact information is correct/up-to-date in Genesis.
    • Bus times may vary according to traffic and/or inclement weather.
      • If bus has not arrived at bus stop within 10 minutes of pick-up time, check for texts from the school district and/or call the dispatch office at 609-466-7600 ext. 6670
      • Buses run late especially at the beginning of the year. During the first week of school, afternoon departures may run as much as ½ hr. behind schedule.
    • Bus Rules:
      • Students and Parents should review the rules on proper bus etiquette before school begins.
      • Students must wear a seat belt at all times when on the bus.
        • Review the importance of seatbelt safety on a school bus.  Please practice with your child
      • Students should be at their assigned bus stop 5-10 minutes in advance of time listed in Genesis as per district policy regulations.
      • It is the responsibility of the parent to monitor the students at their bus stop.
      • Students will be assigned a seat on the bus. They must remain in their seat at all times.
      • Students may only ride the bus to which they are assigned – No Exceptions.
      • No Food or Drink ever on the bus. 
      • Large instruments will need to be driven to school.  Instruments held on laps must fit within the seat and not placed in the aisle or under seat.
      • Lost items - Call Transportation office.
        • Items are found on the bus in the morning the driver will drop them off at the school’s office.
        • Items found in the afternoon will be held on the bus until the following morning at which time the student may retrieve the item.
    • Daycare:
      • Daycare arrangements must be submitted in writing by August 1st.
      • Requests received after August 1st will not be addressed until after October 1st
      • Arrangements must be consistent Monday through Friday.
      • Daycare requests made after October 1st will require a minimum of 7 days before they go into effect.
    • Bus stops are fixed all year. 
    • Being the only student at a bus stop does not qualify for a house stop. The maintenance of cluster stops allows for students who may move into the district and helps reduce the length of time of the bus routes.
    • There is no law regarding sidewalks.
    • Courtesy stops are against regulations.  Please do not attempt to negotiate your own bus stop with the driver.
      •  All stops must be approved through the BOE.
    • Bus stops are subject to change at any time due to time restrictions and locations.
    • A bus may not enter an area of new construction.  The construction must be complete and maintenance of the roads must be transferred to the township.
    • Follow parent pick up process ***NO CHANGES AFTER 2 PM***
    • K-4 students who attend after care at OHES or VES will not be permitted to ride the bus home if the school office has not received notification of a change before 2pm.
      • Calls after 2pm will require that parents follow parent pick up procedures.
    • Kindergarten students must have a parent present at the bus stop. The driver will not release the student if you are not there. If you are not present, the student will remain on the bus and be returned to the school.
    • Students 1st grade and above are not required to have adult supervision at their bus stop and will be dropped off regardless of someone being there for them.
    • Late buses will be available to MHS and UMS students. Specific late bus routes are printed on the student's schedule with their regular bus number. 
      • At MHS, late buses are available on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 4:30 PM. 
      • At UMS, late buses are available on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 5:00 PM.

    NOTE: All parents should familiarize themselves and follow Parent pick up/drop off rules at schools on those occasions when your child is not taking the bus.

Last Modified on October 23, 2024