MTSD Department of World Languages
"The sum of human wisdom is not contained in any one language" Ezra PoundOUR MISSION is ... to foster life-long learners who have a positive impact on the world by exploring interculturality through discourse about different languages, cultures and real life experiences. Our world languages family promotes acceptance, compassion, respect, equity and social justice. We envision a world of respectful and globally-minded citizens who think critically, embrace diversity and strive to build just societies that are free of fear and hatred of the unknown other.ESTABLISHED GOALS: STATE AND NATIONAL STANDARDSCURRICULUMThe curriculum uses the Understanding by Design (UbD) approach and is organized in thematic units to provide meaningful context for academic and cultural content, address national and state standards and assure that students are 21st century college-, careers- and world-ready.WHAT IS THE ELEMENTARY FLEX (Foreign Language Exploratory) PROGRAM?PROGRESSION OF STUDYDetails in the Montgomery High School Program of Studies and on the MHS World Languages WebpageORCHARD HILL ELEMENTARY SCHOOLEnglish for multilingual learners (ESL) is offered in K-2nd grades daily.FLEX is offered to all students in 1st and 2nd grades for 40 minutes every 3 days.FLEX is offered to all kindergarten students for 40 minutes every 6 days.VILLAGE ELEMENTARY SCHOOLEnglish for multilingual learners (ESL) is offered in 3rd-4th grades daily.FLEX is offered to all students in 3rd and 4th grades for 40 minutes every 3 days.LOWER MIDDLE SCHOOLEnglish for multilingual learners (ESL) is offered in 5th-6th grades daily.FLEX is offered to all students in 5th grade for one 10-week marking period, every other day for 56 minutes.FLEX is offered to all students in 6th grade for one 7-week cycle every other day for 56 minutes.UPPER MIDDLE SCHOOLEnglish for multilingual learners (ESL) is offered in 7th-8th grades daily.Spanish, French and German are offered in 7th and 8th grades every other day for 84 minutes.Discovery & Exploration of Spanish Culture& Language are offered in 7th and 8th grades every other day for 84 minutes during 1 semester.HIGH SCHOOLEnglish for multilingual learners (ESL) is offered in 9th-12th grades daily.French, German, Latin, Spanish and Power of Language* are offered in 9th-12th grades every other day for 84 minutes.*Power of Language is non-sequential foundations of language and socio-linguistics course
Last Modified on August 26, 2024