SUPERVISOR OF WORLD LANGUAGES & ESL, ALMA REYESPhone: (609) 466 7602 ext. 6321 Email: areyes@mtsd.us
The Montgomery Township School District is dedicated to providing students with the English language skills and cultural understanding they need to succeed academically as prescribed by national and state standards for English language acquisition. The district offers a K-12 program supporting the development of listening, reading, speaking and writing skills aligned to grade-level content instruction and language proficiency levels as measured by World-Class Instructional Design and Assessment (WIDA) Consortium’s assessment system.
ORCHARD HILL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (K-2)Curriculum is based on thematic language units incorporating the four language domains of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Students meet in a pull-out class comprising no more than four students based upon grade and English proficiency level for a 30-40-minute period.TEACHERS:Meghan Bauer mbauer@mtsd.us Norelis Martinez nmartinez@mtsd.us VILLAGE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (3-4)Curriculum is based on thematic language units incorporating the four language domains of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Students meet in a pull-out class comprising no more than four students based upon grade and English proficiency level for a 40-minute period.TEACHER:Shania Bryant sbryant@mtsd.us LOWER MIDDLE SCHOOL (5-6)Students are scheduled for one or two 54-minute periods of ESL instruction each day depending on their proficiency level. Students are taught in a small group environment which allows them to use and practice the English language in the four domains of listening, speaking, reading and writing through a curriculum that reflects the academic language needed for success in all subject areas.TEACHER:Daniel Stevens dstevens@mtsd.us UPPER MIDDLE SCHOOL (7-8)Students are scheduled for an 84-minute block of instruction each day. On A days, ESL is taught in a small group environment and allows students to use and practice the English language in the four domains of listening, speaking, reading and writing through a curriculum that reflects the academic language needed for success in all subject areas. On B days, students attend ESL Lab during which students are provided support for their other academic courses in a small group environment.TEACHER:Staci Anderson stacianderson@mtsd.us MONTGOMERY HIGH SCHOOL (9-12)ESL is a regularly scheduled academic class which is taught in a small group environment every other day for 84 minutes. This class allows students to use and practice the English language in the four domains of listening, speaking, reading and writing through various interactive activities. The curriculum is aligned to the New Jersey English Language Arts standards, is the equivalent of a standard academic high school English Language Arts (ELA) course, and applies towards high school graduation and college prerequisites.Every other day, students attend ESL Lab in which they are provided support for their other academic courses in a small group environment.TEACHER:Iryna Lupak ilupak@mtsd.us
Last Modified on August 26, 2024