• Title 1 FAQs

    What is Title 1?

    • Title 1, Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) is a federal entitlement program that provides financial assistance to schools.
    • Title 1 is the largest federal aid program for public schools in the United States.
    • The US Department of Education distributes Title 1 funds to State Departments of Education that then distribute the funds to individual school districts.
    • The funds for each school district are based on a State formula that is calculated by the number of students from economically-disadvantaged homes.

    Are there different types of Title 1 school programs?

    • There are two types of Title 1 program models:
           1) School-Wide
           2) Targeted Assistance
    • Both of these types of Title 1 program models require schools to use research-based strategies to improve student achievement as well as incorporate strategies to support/encourage parent involvement.
    • All five schools in Montgomery Township School District are Targeted Assistance Programs.

     What are the goals of the Title 1 Programs?

    • Goal #1

               Provide supplemental instruction that will contribute to students becoming more confident in the classroom as well as improve academically in the areas that have been identified as areas of focus.

    • Goals #2

               To form school-home partnerships that will help all children succeed.

     What does parent involvement look like in a Title 1 Program?

    • Keep the lines of communication open
    • Participate in the day to day running of the school such as working as a teacher assistant, guest reader or lecturer, or as a volunteer
    • Get actively involved in the governance of your child's school and have a voice.

    Parent involvement is critical to student success and student achievement.  Parents can positively impact their child's school success by being positively involved in their child's school experience in the following ways:  (Marzano, 2003)