MTSD Health Offices: COVID-19 Guidelines

  • COVID-19 Guidelines (as of April 19, 2024)

    As per the New Jersey Department of Health, there are no longer specific guidelines for COVID-19 positive students. There is now a unified approach to preventing the spread of common viruses like COVID-19, influenza, and RSV. Since these viruses share transmission methods, symptoms, and prevention strategies, the same steps will be taken to limit spread when individuals are ill, regardless of the specific virus.

    Common signs and symptoms of respiratory viruses can include a fever  100.4° F and rhinorrhea, nasal congestion, sore throat, or cough in the absence of a known cause. If your child is exposed to a respiratory illness including COVID-19, monitor them for symptoms and follow the guidelines for exclusion if they become ill.

    Students with a respiratory virus can return to school when they are fever free for 24 hours, without fever-reducing medication and when symptoms are improving. There is no longer a COVID form to report COVID infection, but it is important to report any confirmed diagnosis to the school when reporting your child's absence in Genesis. School outbreaks can then be monitored.

Last Modified on April 19, 2024