Seal of Biliteracy

  • seal of biliteracy


    The World Languages Department officially opens the 2024-25 window for Seniors to take the qualifying tests to earn the coveted New Jersey Seal of Biliteracy between October 15 - December 15. 


    What is the Seal of Biliteracy?

    • The NJ Seal of Biliteracy is a high school transcript notation and certificate issued by the New Jersey Department of Education which honors graduating seniors who have attained multiple language proficiencies and signals this achievement to colleges and potential employers.
    • It was legislated in New Jersey in January 2016 and became administrative code in 2017.
             For more information: NJDOE Seal of Biliteracy and Information Powerpoint for Parents & Students
    How will it benefit students?
    • Provides nationally accredited means of demonstrating language skills to universities for the purpose of receiving academic credit:  A growing number of  U.S. Universities & Colleges offer credit for the Seal of Biliteracy    
    • Provides nationally accredited proof of language and biliteracy skills to potential employers
    • Encourages study of languages, and the development of 21st century skills and global competence
    Qualifying Tests
    • Students are required to meet minimum cutoff scores for only one test. 
    • Multilingual Learners (MLs) must demonstrate proficiency in both English (through the ACCESS or NJSLA) and in their native or other language(s).
    • Students in World Language classes are tested by the district.  The cost of testing additional or other languages must by paid for by the student.   
    ** Eligible students may apply for a financial waiver due to economic hardship.



    Target Score

    Cost/ student

    NJSLA  assessment


    Proficient or better


    ACCESS for ELLs 2.0


    4 or better on Tier B or C in all four language domains


    AP Language and Culture

    World Languages

    4 or higher in Junior year


    STAMP 4S & WS

    World Languages including 

    American Sign Language 

    5 or higher on both Writing/Speaking/Reading/Listening


    Add’l cost for ASL


    Low density Languages

    Proficient or better

    $ 130


    NO Action is Required

    • Senior students who are enrolled in World Language classes are administered STAMP tests by the department in the Fall and do not need to take further action.  The district and the state have a record.
    • Junior students who take the  AP Language and Culture exams in their junior year do not need to take further action.  The district and the state have a record in the Senior year.  AP Language and Culture exams are available in Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Latin and Spanish but scores are only valid from the previous Junior year.  Per state requirements, scores for assessments taken prior to the second semester of the junior year are not admissible for the Seal of Biliteracy.
    • Multilingual Learners who need to demonstrate literacy in English are administered the NJSLA and/or ACCESS tests by the school district as a graduation requirement.  However, to earn the Seal of Biliteracy,  MLs must demonstrate literacy in a language in addition to English.  Language proficiency testing will take place in the MLed (ESL) class.  


    YES Action is Required 

    • Students wishing to demonstrate literacy in languages other than that of their World Language courses.
    • Students choosing to apply for multiple certifications (two or more of the languages in which they are literate) by taking multiple tests.
    • Former MLs / ESL students inquire with the MLed teacher.



    DEADLINE for test purchase & scheduling window- NOW until December 7, 2024

    DEADLINE for testing-  December 15, 2024

    STAMP 4S & WS assessments are available for a myriad of languages.                  

    ALTA assessments are available for less common languages.

    STEP 1

    STEP 2

Last Modified on October 14, 2024