MTSD Enrichment

  • MTSD selects curricular programming that is inherently designed to allow students to individually pace and advance at a personalized pace.  It is the philosophy of MTSD that students’ needs are best met within the regular classroom, where the appropriate social-emotional development and support is present.  Classroom teachers have the resources and responsibility to meet the needs of identified students in order to best craft opportunities to explore, grow, and reflect.

    Grades 1-4

    Grades 5-8

    Grades 9-12

    Based on criteria established by both nationally-normed assessments,  local assessments,  and a teacher recommendation criteria students are identified as enrichment students.

    The entrance into middle school provides the opportunity for students to enter an accelerated math track.  

    Based on criteria established by both nationally-normed assessments,  local assessments,  and a teacher recommendation criteria students are placed in accelerated math courses.

    MHS students have the opportunity to receive an enriched curriculum through honors courses, AP courses, and independent study options. 


    Continuum of Services:

    • Enrichment Cluster Grouping
    • Accelerated Math Placement
    • Honors Level Course Offerings*
    • Advanced Placement Course Offerings*

    *For an overview of the Honors and AP offerings please review the MHS Program of Studies.

    Language Arts

    Participation in Classroom-Based Flexible Academic Clusters:

    • Flexible Academic Clustering is the instructional practice MTSD utilizes to achieve enrichment in our differentiated OHES and VES classrooms.  No separate Enrichment Program exists.  Using this practice, students (typically, three to six) with similar needs, abilities, or interests are “clustered” in the same grade-level classroom.  This allows the teacher to more efficiently differentiate assignments for groups rather than just one or two students. Every child in the classroom is placed into a flexible academic cluster.  Throughout the year, teachers collect multiple data points on student performance.  They then formally analyze this data and may alter their flexible clusters within the classroom based on its results.  Educators call this data-driven instruction, and it is a mainstay of the differentiated classroom.

    District Policies & Regulations

    2464- GIFTED AND TALENTED STUDENTS (Policy)            2464 - GIFTED AND TALENTED STUDENTS (Regulation)


    Questions and concerns regarding enrichment and acceleration programming should contact the Office of Instructional Services.  (609) 466-7601 *7