Appeal Process
All students have talents and gifts. Throughout the MTSD school system, students have the opportunity to participate in a vast array of both curricular and co-curricular activities. Our goal as a school district is to have all students achieve their greatest potential.
The Strengthening Gifted and Talented Act defined the criteria as "students who possess or demonstrate a high level of ability in one or more content areas when compared to their chronological peers in the school district and who require modifications to their educational program if they are to achieve in accordance with their capabilities.” To that end, we have identified multiple data points to determine the entrance criteria to the Voyagers/Expeditions program.
As a parent/caregiver, you may appeal the decision of the school district when:
- Your child has a cumulative CogAT score of 9.
- You can provide a detailed rationale for reconsideration.
- Any additional documentation that you believe will inform the process (optional).
Parent/Caregiver Appeals must be completed within 14 days of the program start date. (Appeals for grades 2-8 should be submitted by 09/20/24. Appeals for grade 1 should be submitted by 12/13/24).