Welcome to Mrs. Levin's WebsiteContact: llevin@mtsd.usStudents are placed in Academic Support because they have demonstrated weakness in math skills . Support, therefore, focuses on building strength in various skills. Skills are taught through direct-instruction, mini-lessons and a lot of practice. We follow the curriculum in their math class and focus on the needs of each individual student.
The class will generally be run in stations, allowing you to learn, review, and practice skills in a variety of modes. We will use computers, manipulatives, textbooks, worksheets, and white boards just to name a few. Students will also have the opportunity to conference with me on a regular basis. There will always be time to go over class lessons, review for upcoming assessments, and go over test/quiz corrections. You will receive a progress report at the end of every marking period.
Supplies needed: Binder (any size-this will be left in the classroom). You should also come prepared with pencils and eraser.Useful websites:We are using a program called Xtramath. Xtramath is a free program for teachers, students and parents. It practices their basic facts beginning with addition, then subtraction, multiplication and division. We use this program at the start of every class. The first week of school, I sent home a letter so the students are able to log in and practice at home as well. This will also allow you to see how they are doing with the program. Feel free to speak to your student about this program and email me with further questions.Feel free to search for the topic we are working on using these sites. There is plenty of games and extra practice.http://www.tenmarks.com/
Last Modified on February 8, 2023