• Mrs. Camarda


    Mrs. Camarda
    Welcome to Fifth Grade at LMS! 
    I am so excited to work with you this year and share my enthusiasm for Language Arts and History.
    I have always enjoyed thinking deeply about reading and writing fun stories. 
    I also love to teach history because I believe it helps improve the future. I graduated from Gettysburg College with a major in English, and earned my Master's Degree in Elementary Education with a specialization in Special Education from Northeastern University.  I started my career as an editor, and then worked at Harvard University in the Department of Health Care Policy.  I have been teaching in Montgomery for the past 11 years and feel very lucky to teach at LMS.  I am really looking forward to getting to know you and helping you grow! 
    Gold 1 Team Teachers
    LA/SS: Mrs. Whitehouse & Mrs. Camarda
    Replacement LA: Mrs. Camarda
    Math/Science: Mr. Bartholomew & Mrs. Vasil
    E-Mail: lcamarda@mtsd.us (best form of contact)
    Phone: 609-466-7602 Ex: 3112
    If you would like to check your student's progress or homework at any time, please visit Genesis. https://parents.mtsd.k12.nj.us/genesis/parents?gohome=true 
    Google classroom is a tool that we also use for homework and resources for assignments- your child will receive a request to join our classroom(s) a few days prior to the start of school: http://classroom.google.com
Last Modified on September 8, 2024