Ms. FosterHealth and Physical Education TeacherContact Info:kfoster@mtsd.us609-466-7600
Physical Education
5th and 6th grade students must wear sneakers to participate in class. Students should wear comfortable clothes to school - for example, sports shorts/pants and a t-shirt. Students are able to wear sweatshirts over their t-shirts. Students cannot wear any jewelry, including fitness trackers of any kind. Post earrings and any religious items that cannot be removed are permitted. Please remember that jewelry can often fall off, get lost, or snag on others' clothing and cause injuries. Please do not wear anything that cannot be replaced if lost or damaged.
Clothes must follow school dress code regulations.
5th and 6th graders will have the option to change. All students are expected to be in their attendance spot 5 minutes after the start of class. Regardless of the choice to change, jewelry, jackets, and other items not permitted in class should be placed in the locker room. It is recommended that all students bring a change of clothes just in case the need or desire to change arises. In addition, all students should bring deodorant.
5th Grade Health Curriculum
The three units that are covered within the 5th grade health curriculum include Drugs and Medicine, Human Relationships, and Personal Safety. Topics covered in Unit 1 include: the difference between drug use, misuse, and abuse, the difference between over-the-counter drugs and prescription drugs, drug classification or the effect on the body, and refusal skills. Topics included in Unit 2 include: puberty, the male and female reproductive systems, and SOGIE (i.e. sexual orientation, gender identity, and expression). Units covered in Unit 3 include: basic first aid, online safety, and healthy relationships.
6th Grade Health Curriculum
The two units that are covered within the 6th grade health curriculum include Personal Growth and Development and Human Relationships. Topics covered in Unit 1 include: basic self care, stress management, and depression/anxiety management techniques. Topics included in Unit 2 include: fertilization and the Stages of Pregnancy and Childbirth. Topics covered in 5th grade will be reviewed before being expanded upon.
For questions regarding assignments or grades, please visit the Parent Portal on Genesis,Rubicon Atlas, or email me at kfoster@mtsd.us