MHS Athletics: Helpful Resources for Student Athletes and Families

  • Adobe PDF icon        Opioid Fact Sheet from the NJSIAA

    The need for prevention and intervention efforts surrounding student alcohol, tobacco, and other drug (ATOD) abuse is paramount to the goal of keeping our students safe, healthy, and in school. In support of these efforts, each district board of education is required to establish a comprehensive program of prevention, intervention, referral for evaluation, referral for treatment and continuity of care for student ATOD abuse (N.J.S.A. 18A:40A-10 and N.J.A.C. 6A:16-3, 6A:16-4 and 6A:16-6). Fostering an environment where students can develop protective factors and resiliency skills is essential in decreasing the prevalence and occurrence of student ATOD abuse and related at-risk behaviors.

    movie camera clip art     Risks Associated with Sports Injuries and Opioid Use

    NJSIAA & NJ CARES Collaborative video educates student athletes and their parents about the risks associated with sports injuries and opioid use.

    web clip art  MHS Student Athlete Resources

    A resource website created for our student-athletes BY one of our own MHS students in collaboration with MHS administration, guidance and support services. It highlights important and valuable resources for a host of topics that all of our students can benefit from.