Is EVERYTHING you read on the Internet true?
Use the following guidelines to check the facts!
Tips for Evaluating Website Information
- Look for good, valid examples of websites on the topics of interest.
- Check out the author of the article.
- Teach yourself how to read a Uniform Resource Locator (URL). The URL is the address of a webpage found in the address bar. It usually starts http://
- Find out who owns the site. One way to do this is to go to www.easywhois.com and enter the domain name to find out who registered the site.
- Check out the sites that link to that site, too. They give an indication of what groups or individuals are associated with the primary site being viewed.
This information is crucial for you to determine if you have the facts!
Here are some additional Internet Safety sites for you!
- http://disney.go.com/cybersafety/- CyberNetiquette Comix is an entertaining, interactive way for families to learn valuable lessons about online safety.
- http://www.msn.staysafeonline.com/play.htm- An easy, kid-friendly guide to the Internet beginning with an introduction by Tara Lipinski, the program is hosted by Shaquille O' Neal and his animated friends.
- http://www.smithtown.k12.ny.us/safety/- Cyber Safety on line for 5th grade
- http://www.fbi.gov/kids/k5th/safety2.htm- FBI Internet Safety Tips
- http://www.fbi.gov/kids/games/games.htm - FBI games
- http://www.kidscomjr.com/games/safety/safety.html- Internet safety quiz, games
- http://www.cybersmartkids.com.au/ - take a quiz and make a poster
- http://www.netsmartz.org/resources/nsresources.htm - on-line resources by grade level
- http://www.disney.co.uk/DisneyOnline/Safesurfing/ - on-line fun with Doug, the cartoon character
- http://pbskids.org/license/ - get your web license
- http://www.safekids.com/ - on-line safety tips for parents
- http://disney.go.com/surfswell/index.html - follow Mickey and his friends on on-line journey
- http://www.wiredkids.org/- Information about Cyberbullying, Flaming and Cyberstalking, for Kids