Music LinksHere is the link to our class site on Noteflight: http://musicworkshoplms.sites.noteflight.comTo log in: Use your first and last name, starting with capitals, with a space in between. (Example: John Smith)Your password is: gordonYoung Person's Guide to the Orchestra game -- This is a great game that teaches you all about the instruments of the orchestra, using "Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra" composed by Benjamin Britten. (Link: http://listeningadventures.carnegiehall.org/ypgto/index.aspx no longer active)New York Philharmonic Kidzone -- Games, activities, and information about music, composers, and instruments from the New York Philharmonic OrchestraBSO KIDS -- More games and fun music stuff from the Boston Symphony Orchestra. Compose your own music, look "behind the scenes" at the orchestra, and more!*Link http://www.bso.org/brands/bso/education-community/children-families/bso-kids.aspx not longer active52 Composers -- Informative website with facts and brief biographies of famous composers from all time periods!
Last Modified on February 8, 2023