
    Mr. Rabinowitz                                                                   Back to School Night 24-25 Presentation                                          drabinowitz@mtsd.us   


    6th Grade Band



    Welcome to 6th Grade Band. This is everything you need to know to be successful in my class.

    Grades:  Your grade will be determined on your PERFORMANCE on your instrument, an evaluation of your ENSEMBLE SKILLS, completion of your HOMEWORK assignments and your CONCERT performances.  Grade weighting: 40% Playing Assessments, 35% Ensemble Skills, 15% Concerts and 10% Homework.  To see all grades and assignments, please log into parent resources by clicking on "PARENT/STUDENT ACCESS".

    Performance tests: If you PRACTICE, you will succeed.  If you do not know what to practice, ask me.  If you are absent the day of a test, you will make it up on the next band day.

    Ensemble Skills:  You are expected to come to class with your instrument, book/music and a pencil.  Brass musicians need a water rag.  Oil and grease your instruments before you come to school on a band day.  Woodwinds will always need to have 3 usable reeds in their case at all times.  These instructions will allow you to fully participate in class and make the Ensemble stronger.

    Concerts/Graded Rehearsals: All students are expected to participate in their Band concerts for a performance grade.  Any marking period we do not have a concert, we will conduct one or two graded rehearsals where the students will evaluate their Ensemble Skills and Performance for a grade. 

         Fall Concert:   Thursday, December 5th, 2024. More details to follow as we get closer.

         Spring Concert:   Thursday, May 1st, 2025.  More details to follow as we get closer.

    Homework:  You will be assigned simple tasks throughout the year that are expected to be completed.  These assignments include joining your Google Classroom(codes will be distributed in class), listening assignments and surveys.  These are graded on completion.

    Practice:  This is not an option.  Repetition builds familiarity with the instrument and with the music you need to perform.  You should focus your practice on what you find to be difficult for you to play.  (I will let you know in class where you should focus if you are not sure.)

    Clap, Sing and Play:  This is the order in which you will practice your exercises out of your lesson book and all other musical assignments.

    Practice your scales:  All of the music we will be playing was created using scales and patterns.  You will be tested on your scales with advanced notice.  You will need to remember fingerings and alternate fingerings.  PRACTICE YOUR SCALES.

    You may NOT leave your instruments in the school’s hallways unless directed by your teachers.  Musicians who play larger instruments can store your instruments in the band room before Morning Meeting.  If your instrument is not working properly at home, leave it with me before morning meeting.  Pick up your instrument at the end of the day so that you may PRACTICE.  Always give me a chance to fix an instrument before taking it to the music store.

    NAME TAGS: There are almost 300 band students here at LMS.  Your name MUST be visible on the inside and outside of your cases.  I will keep a record of all serial numbers for identification purposes.

    Oversized Brass and Woodwind instruments will be available for students to use in school.  This will eliminate any issues with space on the bus or the need to drop off your student.

    I will be available afterschool for EXTRA HELP on Thursdays from 3:10-4:10pm.  Please let me know if you will be attending.  Students do not have to attend the entire hour.  I give extra credit for students who actively seek help to improve their own abilities.

    Any student interested in auditioning for honors band must have all paperwork in to me so that I may sign off on it and forward it to the appropriate parties.  Students auditioning for honors band will have to demonstrate their preparation in class through performance of scales and solo work.  Everyone is invited to audition as long as they follow the protocol for auditioning.  I highly recommend working with a private instructor if you plan on auditioning for Regions.

    Let’s have a MUSICAL YEAR!!!

    Mr. Rabinowitz

Last Modified on September 6, 2024