
    Come Join:

    “Sports Spectacular” 

    Description: After school is made for action, and action is what you will get if you come out to play in our “Sports Spectacular.” We will spend time playing a variety of games such as kickball, whiffle ball, soccer, basketball, volleyball, ultimate Frisbee, and capture the flag. We will also practice yoga and discuss game strategies to improve our visualization techniques. After all, improving in action games requires mental concentration as well as physical ability. We welcome students of all ability levels and will seek to challenge you no matter what your current athletic strengths and weaknesses may be. So get off the couch, stop complaining there is nothing to do, and come play with us!

    Where: In the gym

    When: (See dates below) from 3:10 to 4:10 (YOU MUST HAVE A RIDE HOME THAT ARRIVES AT 4:10)

    How to Join: Fifth and Sixth grade students should sign up in the gym on the days before the Wednesday that “Sports Spectacular” meets, to ensure that we don’t get more students than we can handle. Those students must then plan to stay after school on the Wednesday they signed up for. Good character is essential. Sign up today and make plans to stay. 


    Mr. Hill        mhill@mtsd.us 
    Dates for 2024/2025
    •  9/25
    • 10/2, 10/9, 10/16, 10/23, 10/30
    • 11/6, 11/13, 11/20
    • 3/5, 3/12, 3/19, 3/26
    • 4/2, 4/9, 4/23, 4/30
    • 5/7


    “Sports Spectacular”

    Description: We will spend time  playing a variety of games such as kickball, whiffleball, soccer, basketball, volleyball, ultimate Frisbee, and capture the flag. We welcome students of all ability levels and will seek to challenge you no matter what your current athletic strengths and weaknesses may be. Both 5th and 6th graders are welcome.

    We will focus on improving ourselves on three levels.

    1.     PHYSICAL: Obviously, we will focus on improving our physical strength, speed, endurance, and flexibility. They help us to exercise and compete in active games.

    2.     MENTAL: A big part of improving our ability to exercise and compete rests with our ability to visualize success and maintain focus as a keen observer. Being mentally prepared for the task or game at hand is essential for the body to know what it should be doing. That is what it means to be “a student of the game.”

    3.     HEART: Emotion and character play a big part in developing a winning attitude. If you can’t channel your emotions in positive and productive ways, you can not get the most out of your physical efforts. Likewise, without good character you will not feel that you deserve the successes you may achieve in sports. You will find that by respecting the game, your opponent, your teammates, your coach, and your efforts, you ultimately will have a great deal of respect for yourself.

    I will be pointing out when I see good and bad examples of the three levels listed above throughout our play. I expect you to improve in all these areas, and I want you to sign the following pledge to show you are dedicated to that improvement.

    I ________________________ will do my best to: 1. Improve my physical talents by always trying my best; 2. Learn to think my way through an action so that I do it better than I did before; 3. Use my emotions in positive ways, and always show that I am bigger than the game or activity I am engaged in, by being respectful to those around me.

    All great athletes who are successful in life are strong at all three of these characteristics. Athletics can teach us a lot about life, and how to live it the right way.




Last Modified on September 4, 2024