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    Afterschool Help Day: Wednesday    
    AP Environmental Science (APES) google class code - wqjnir2 
    This course is about empowering students to be citizens for a sustainable future. It facilitates the construction and deployment of cognitive models from the traditions of science as well as the humanities. These models help simplify the thinking around complex environmental phenomena. That includes preparing students to face the existential crisis that comes with uncovering the truth about the current reality of our planet.  Crucially these phenomena and models only serve as vehicles for students to develop and practice the skills and tools required to transition to a sustainable future. Being in this class requires reflective participation by both the teacher and the student. It necessitates making mistakes, learning, listening, and adapting to an ever-changing learning environment. 

    CP Environmental Science (CPES) google class code - unknown

    The Montgomery HS Environmental Science program is designed as a laboratory-based course of study that develops conceptual and real-world understanding of core Environmental Science content. The curriculum is designed to engage students in gathering evidence related to environmental phenomena and use this evidence to justify scientific claims using scientific reasoning. Environmental Science requires a fundamental understanding and utilization of concepts learned from Physics, Chemistry, and Biology as well as using evidence-based on data determined from lab activities. The course is structured based on a science learning progression started in Kindergarten (at MTSD) and as detailed in Appendix E of the Next Generation Science Standards.

    Like all MHS Science Courses, Environmental Science is an NCAA approved college-preparatory curriculum aligned to the appropriate NJ Student Learning Standards in Science. Environmental Science is the class designed to be taken after the MHS Physics-Chemistry-Biology course sequence and satisfies the NJ High School Graduation requirement for science laboratory instruction. The Environmental Science curriculum detailed in this curriculum document is further differentiated for the various learning needs and academic goals of the MHS student population. All students have access to the core content requirements and are able to self-select the level of enrichment via the course scheduling process.

    Biotechnology (Biotech) google classroom code: bbqcvzp
    This course is the study of Biotechnology, the study of how biological systems can be used for all purposes such as industrial, agricultural, medical, and environmental.  This goal requires much incorporation from many disciplines, including biology, chemistry, physics, math, environmental science, and yes, even ethics and philosophy. 

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