• Welcome to the Math League
    The Montgomery Math League Club is a group of about 30 students that meet on one Wednesday per month to enjoy solving and discussing math puzzles. Puzzles of all types are welcome at the meetings. Meetings are held virtually.
    The Montgomery Math League Club is an outgrowth of the Montgomery Math League Team. The team comprises ten student team members who travel once per month from September through April to the Central Jersey Math League (CJML) meets. The Montgomery Math League Club will host a meet about every other year. Any high school student may be a member of the Club, but the Team is members are selected from among students that were Club members in the preceding year. Freshman team members will get a spot in CJML contests only based on availability. Selection criteria include club attendance and seniority. Team members who attend enough meets and earn good scores are eligible to attend the CJML trip to the American Regions Math League (ARML) contest in June.