Greetings and salutations!
Name: Dianna Muzaurieta
Email Address: dmuzaurieta@mtsd.us
Please email me. Phone extension: 6929 - but I have limited access.In 2024-25, I will teach* GRADE 11 ENGLISH CP* GRADE 10 ENGLISH HonorsALL GRADED ASSESSMENTS, WRITINGS, CLASSWORKS, AND HOMEWORKSARE POSTED ON G. CLASSROOM & GENESIS.DETAILS OF ALL ASSIGNMENTS ARE DISCUSSED IN CLASS,AND ARE POSTED ON GOOGLE CLASSROOM AS WELL.MY AFTER SCHOOL HELP DAY is Tuesday in B1108.For years, I was the advisor to MHS's Literary Magazine. Now I'm an ally to the club. They workshop students' original works and publish an annual magazine. Email the new advisor with questions.I also used to be the advisor to MHS's PAC: Pride Alliance Club . This group supports all of our students, especially about issues of gender and sexual orientation. Email the new advisor with questions.
Last Modified on Wednesday at 12:41 PM