what I need

This document spells out what I would like from you. 
This will help me write your recommendation letters, and ensures that they get to the correct schools on time.
If you cannot open a word doc, please email me, and I will reply with it as a pdf file.
If you give me a hard copy of the common app please put the following on it when you type or fill in your own info.  (my handwriting is kind of sloppy)

Teacher’s name (Mr./Ms./Dr., etc.) __James Pendleton__________________ Title ____Teacher____________________________

Please print or type

Secondary school _____Montgomery High School_____________________________________________________________________________

School address _________1016 Rt 601        Skillman,  NJ       08505______________________________________________________________________

Number and Street City or Town State/Province Country Zip/Postal Code

Teacher’s phone (__609__) _____466- 7602_________________________ Teacher’s e-mail _____jpendleton@mtsd.us____________________

Teacher recommendations.docx, 15307; (Last Modified on March 13, 2023)