Welcome to Mr. Griffin's Homepage!AP Economics: Notebook (Spiral or Three Ring Binder- make sure there is paper in the binder!) and writing implements. Google Classroom and Sites are used to distribute materials and make announcements.OverviewThe goal of the AP Economics course is to give students a thorough understanding of the principles that apply to microeconomic and macroeconomic systems. The course is designed to prepare students to take the AP Microeconomics and Macroeconomics Exams in May. The rigorous workload and pace of the course will help prepare students for college level study. The AP Economics course at Montgomery High School has been designed according to the course description set forth by The College Board, who administers the AP Exams. Further, the AP Economics course at Montgomery has been authorized by The College Board to carry the AP designation via the AP Audit process. This course addresses NJ Core Curriculum Social Studies Content Standards relating to Economics, as well as the Voluntary National Content Standards in Economics developed by The National Council on Economic Education and the Foundation for the Teaching of Economics.United States History I: Notebook (Spiral or Three Ring Binder-make sure there is paper in the binder!) and writing implements. Google Classroom is used to distribute class materials and make announcements.OverviewThis course is designed as a comprehensive study of U.S. History from Colonization through World War I. As the course progresses we will look at key historical events and the social circumstances that surrounded them. By the conclusion of the year each student should have a grasp of the U.S.’s defining moments, and how they have impacted America’s evolution.Economics: Notebook (Spiral or Three Ring Binder-make sure there is paper in the binder!) and writing implements. Google Classroom is used to distribute class materials and make announcements.Overview
The goal of the Economics course is to give students a thorough understanding of the principles that apply to microeconomic and macroeconomic decision making. The course is designed to introduce general principles of economic theory and connect them to specific real-world applications. This will allow students to develop a unique way of thinking about the world as they analyze economic scenarios and apply the theoretical principles of economics to their everyday lives.
Course Drop/Level Change Procedure:
Course/Level Change Procedures
In an ongoing effort to improve the student experience here at MHS, we have formally outlined the procedure for Course and/or Level Changes for all students and their families in detail below.
It is critical to first understand what is defined as a course change and level change:
- A COURSE CHANGE is defined as switching to a totally different course, i.e. Choir to Band or Studio Art to Culinary.
- A LEVEL CHANGE is defined as switching levels of the same course, i.e. Honors Algebra II to CP Algebra II.
Important information about Course and Level Changes:
- These students may request a COURSE or LEVEL CHANGE without completing the Course and/or Level Change Request form IF:
- it is within the first 10 sessions for a full-year course; or
- it is within the first 5 sessions of a half-year course
- All COURSE CHANGES made after the first 10 sessions of a full-year course, the first 5 sessions of a half-year course, or LEVEL CHANGES made after October 25th will be noted on student transcripts as a WP (Withdraw Pass) or WF (Withdraw Fail).
- For a student requesting a LEVEL CHANGE, this process must be completed by October 25th. LEVEL CHANGES completed after October 25th will result in a WP (Withdraw Pass) or WF (Withdraw Fail) noted on the student’s transcript.
- Students who have not waived into the course who wish to request a LEVEL CHANGE after the first 10 sessions of a full-year course or the first 5 sessions of a half-year course MUST complete the MHS Course and/or Level Change Request Google form.
- Students who have waived into the course and wish to request a change MUST complete the MHS Course and/or Level Change Request Google form for both COURSE and LEVEL CHANGE requests, regardless of how many sessions have taken place.
- All COURSE CHANGES made after the first 10 sessions of a full-year course, the first 5 sessions of a half-year course, or LEVEL CHANGES made after October 25th will be noted on student transcripts as a WP (Withdraw Pass) or WF (Withdraw Fail).
Steps to Complete the Course/Level Change Process
- The student completes the MHS Course and/or Level Change Request Google Form which can be found on the MHS Guidance web page, every department web page, and on all teacher Google Classrooms.
- The appropriate counselor will receive the completed Google Form and schedule an appointment with the student.
- The counselor will review the request with the student and, if needed, provide the student with a COURSE and/or LEVEL CHANGE Request form (paper copy).
- The student meets with and obtains signatures on the COURSE and/or LEVEL CHANGE Request form (paper copy) from the following parties:
- the counselor
- the current teacher in the course they are requesting to change
- the parent/guardian
- Once all sections of the COURSE and/or LEVEL CHANGE Request form (paper copy) have been completed, the student will submit the form to the supervisor of the department for the course they are requesting to change.
- The department supervisor will review the request and approve, deny, or recommend remediation as appropriate.
- The supervisor’s decision will be shared with the counselor who will make the appropriate changes, if any, and inform the student.
After School Help Day: WednesdayContact Information:Phone: (609) 466-7602 Ext. 6853Email: jgriffin@mtsd.us