Welcome to the Montgomery High School
English Department
Books are the bees which carry the quickening pollen from one to another mind. – James Russell Lowell
Karen D. Stalowski, Supervisor(609) 466-7602 ext. 6220Department Faculty Members:Michele Caltiere
Geoffrey Corisdeo
Jessica Doyle
Melissa Fattorusso
Gina Iacono
Temmy Kim
Valerie Kriger
Karie Kwietniak kkwietniak@mtsd.us J. Michael Lopez jlopez@mtsd.us Sarah Matthews
Jamie Meeker
Patrick Minor
Dianna Muzaurieta
Dai Nguyen
Debra O'Reilly
Joseph Riccardi
Kristina Shebchuk
Rachel Sitar
Corinne Skelton
Kellye Statz-Simon
Sam Tobaygo
Please note: English department classes utilize Google Classroom as the primary means of communication with students regarding class expectations, assignments, and homework. Please visit the teacher's web page for details on where to locate information for their specific classes.
Last Modified on Tuesday at 9:51 AM