    Welcome to AP US History
    Read like a historian  
     Get ready for a busy and exciting year!  Our curriculum challenges you to think like a historian.  This class is not so much about memorizing historical detail, but being able to use the details to understand the deeper meanings and patterns in history.  The course involves constant class participation, lots of writing, and consistent reading! 
    Over the summer:  Follow all instructions under the Summer Reading Assignment, including formatting guidelines.  Be prepared for a quiz on Devil in the White City. 
    •  large ring binder
    •  looseleaf paper
    •  printer paper 
    •  colored pencils 
    •  AP Review Book (Kaplan is a good choice)
    This is a discussion based class. Be prepared to participate during each session! See

    Back to School Night presentation for link to Classroom Closeup segment. 

    Student Expectations (hard copy will be handed out in class, a copy is provided under Summer Assignment)


    All students in this class must register at https://user.totalregistration.net/AP/311359.  This is the first step in joining the AP classroom for this course as well as signing up for the exam if you're planning to take it.  Even if you are not taking the exam, you must go through the Total Registration process, but don't worry, you will have the option to indicate that you are not taking the exam. You will be able to change your exam decision without penalty by the end of October.