is an annual event.We used to get really involved.Hopefully, in the 2023-2024 school year,we can attend again!________________________________________Fall 2017We HOSTED the GSA Forumhere at MHS!Many thanks to everyone who helpedmake the day a marvelous success.________________________________________Update: Fall 2016
There's good news ... and sad news.
Good: So many people registered that they couldn't take any more!Sad: None of us were able to attend.Future plans: Next year, we hope they schedule a closer location!________________________________________The 12th Annual Conference for Gay-Straight Alliances
Students Advisors SupportersSaturday, November 14th, 2015
Location TBA, NJ
9:00 AM -- 4:00 PM________________________________________Praise for the
Saturday November 15, 2014
The 11th Annual Conference
for NJ Gay-Straight Alliances"The animated chatter of hundreds of people filled the rainbow-bedecked room as our group took seats at the long rows of cafeteria tables and waited expectantly. From rainbow balloons to banners to GSA t-shirts, Lenape High School cafeteria was a vibrant display of pride. The enthusiasm and anticipation in the room were palpable. This was New Jersey’s long-awaited 11th Annual GSA Forum, hosted by the Lenape High School Gay Straight Alliance and co-sponsored by HiTOPS and GLSEN Central New Jersey."