Take thorough notes during our field trip. Type your answers up and hand in your packet and answers by Friday December 21st.
- Find the Tokyo 1955–1970: A New Avant-Garde exhibit on the sixth floor. From the mid-1950s through the 1960s, Tokyo transformed itself from the capital of a war-torn nation into an international center for arts, culture, and commerce, becoming home to some of the most important art being made at the time. The show brings together some of the most iconic works from the period as well as works recently discovered or reevaluated by new scholarship. Choose the piece in this exhibit that you like the most and write a solid paragraph about why you like it, what it is about. http://www.archdaily.com/289655/moma-tokyo-1955-1970-a-new-avant-garde/nakamura-hiroshi-upheaval-nairanki/
- Alexander Calder is best known for his mobiles—abstract sculptures made of independent parts that incorporate natural or mechanical movement. These works demonstrate the humor, visual sophistication, and inventiveness of his approach to making art, which quietly revolutionized ideas about what modern sculpture could be. Carefully look at Calder’s work. Now find Joan Miro’s paintings. Compare and contrast Calder’s and Miro’s works, using one or two pieces as examples. Do thumbnail sketches of each piece below. Your answer should consist of one solid paragraph. (Hints: think about the use of line and space. Is the background of a Miro shallow or deep? What is the background of a Calder sculpture? How do both artists use lines, color, or rhythm?)
- Can you find the sculpture titled “Rawhide cone”, by Martin Puryear? Although we cannot touch or smell the sculpture, the artist has used materials that involve more senses than just sight. Fill in the blanks below.
Use one adjective to describe how you imagine this piece tastes_________________________
Use one adjective to describe how you imagine this piece feels__________________________
Use one adjective to describe how you imagine this piece sounds________________________
Use one adjective to describe how you imagine this piece looks_________________________
Use one adjective to describe how you imagine this piece smells_________________________
3. Find Monet’s Water Lilies and spendsome time with it. Now find one of Jackson Pollock’s large drip paintings suchas Number 1A, or Full FathomFive. Compare and contrast the two paintings. Here are some elements toconsider: Color, space/depth, line, time, emotion, rhythm, etc. Use the spacebelow to take notes.
6. Do thumbnail sketches in theboxes below of any 9 pieces in the museum that you like. Each one should take acouple minutes. Write the Artist’s name and the title of the piece in themargins.
6. (25 Pts) Find any three dimensional sculpture in the museum and do a 10-15 minute sketch below. Use the whole space. Use value, light, texture, scale and composition.
- Find The Scream by Edvard Munch. This painting is one of the most iconographic and reproduced paintings of all time. There are many Scream products, such as a “Scream” punching bag, spoon rest, etc. Design your own “scream” product. The more clever the better! (Hint: Don’t just slap it on a flat product; take advantage of the shape of it.)
- Inflatable Punching Bag
- Prom Dress!
- Spoon Rest
5. As you go through the museum, check off the exhibits and collections galleries that you visited on the checklist below.Be certain to view works by Van Gogh, Picasso, Chirico, Dali, Matisse and more in the Painting and Sculpture Galleries. Choose 2 works of art that appeal to you anywhere in the museum. Do a thumbnail sketch below. Be sure to document the title, Artist, Date and Medium.
Georges Seurat (6th Fl)_____
Painting and Sculpture Galleries(4th& 5th Fl)_________
Architecture and Design Galleries(3rd Fl)__________
Drawing Galleries(3rdFl)___________
Photography Galleries(3rd Fl)_____Contemporary Galleries(2ndFl)____________
Prints and Illustrated Books Galleries(2nd Fl)_________6. (25 Pts) Find any three dimensional sculpture in the museum and do a 10-15 minute sketch below. Use the whole space. Use value, light, texture, scale and composition.