Degrees and Certifications:
Mrs. Nitu Sinha
Welcome Students ( Year: 24-25)
This year, I will be teaching :
AP Statistics and AP Calculus AB.
Google Classroom:
- Please note that the Google Classroom Code will be given to the students via email before school starts.
-All Homework, Assessment dates, Class Calendar, and most up-to-date information are announced in my GOOGLE
CLASSROOM and on Genesis.
- I will be holding: - Extra Help on Tuesdays, Room B2236
I am also a Math League and SAT Advisor.
-If you are interested in joining the Math League, please email me to join the Google Classroom and also fill in the required forms
- For SAT help, use this link to access the SAT Google Classroom: JOIN LINK
SAT (Math): Thursdays ( Google Classroom Code: kybgvqp )
Feel free to contact me at nsinha@mtsd.us
Looking forward to a great year ahead.