Student Expectations:
- Come to class on time and ready to work
- Do not speak when the Teacher is speaking
- Missed work is your responsibly to make up
- Rubrics are your responsibility to have when turning projects
- Please respect school property.
- Professional behavior is expected at all time.
- Do not operate equipment with out knowledge of its operation and proper safety.
- No gum or food in the classroom.
- Report any broken equipment to the teacher
- No electronic equipment is to used during class
- Keep your work station clean and neat
- You must sign out to leave the class room and you need a pass
- Be aware of all fire drill, lock down rules and procedures
- Practice effective time management skills by staying on task and working on assigned assignments
- Have fun while learning.
Teacher’s Expectations:
- To provide a safe learn environment.
- Give ample notice of all assignments and projects.
- Maintain open communication between Teacher, Student, and Parents
- Provide extra help and answer all questions.
- Extra Help after school on Thursday till 3:30 or by appointment
- Extra Help before school with prior arrangements.
Courses Evaluation and Assignments:
Tests and Quizzes 20% Daily log 10% Projects 70% Total 100%
Last Modified on September 13, 2018