AP Calculus C
Overview The College Board lists Montgomery's AP Calculus C course as "AP Calculus C [AP Calculus BC]", to denote that it is actually a Calculus BC course. The difference between this class and our Calculus BC course is that Calculus C is taught as a continuation of Calculus AB, starting where AB left off, while Calculus BC starts with a first introduction to calculus. This course covers techniques of integration (beyond those taught in Calculus AB), polar coordinates, series, applications of integrals, parametric graphing and differential equations. The emphasis is on theory and problem-solving techniques. A strong background in AP Calculus AB will be required from the beginning of the course, and students will be expected to understand the concepts taught in class, as well as to transfer them to novel applications and problem solving situations. This course is equivalent to a 2nd semester college calculus course. Graphing calculators are required.
Required Materials
- Three Ring Binder , Sharpened Pencils and Eraser
- Graphing Calculator (Ti-84 Plus CE)
- You are not required to bring the textbook to class. If we are using the textbook in class, you will be able to access the online textbook through your device.
- Home access to a Computer/Chrome tablet
Study Resources
- Stewart, James. Single Variable Calculus. 8th Edition. National Geographic/Cengage Learning. ISBN-10: 1-3O5-26670-6
ISBN-13: 978-1-3O5-26670-4 - https://www.collegeboard.org/ (College Board)
- https://myap.collegeboard.org/login ( AP resources and AP Classroom)
- http://www.khanacademy.org/ (Video Lessons)
- http://www.kutasoftware.com/freemain.html (Free worksheets with Answers)
See you in class!