Myers Briggs Test Resources

  • Myers Briggs Resource Document--Click Here for EVERYTHING Myers Briggs

    Rationale for Using the Myers Briggs Test in 8th Grade Science

    Students take a 72 question online abbreviated adaptation of the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). The questionnaire yields a letter code and percentage preference for each of the 4 letters of that code (i.e. INTJ 78% 78% 75% 22%)

    A lesson follows in which students are introduced to their "type" and how to interpret each letter. The lesson emphasizes the questionnaire as a tool for fostering insight and skeptical self-reflection. Students are taught that this is one of many questionnaires used to attempt to understand the complexities of human personality. The research behind this learning style inventory comes from the Keirsey-Bates, and Myers-Briggs work, both of which are adapted from Carl Jung's extensive research into human tendencies. 

    Students reflect on the lesson and demonstrate connections to their lives. Past successes have enabled and allowed students to...

    -understand behavior of family, peers, and teachers for the sake of more harmonious relationships and personal growth

    -understand reasons as to why some individuals seek solitude, or smaller groups over larger ones (or vice versa.)


    In May of 2013, two students presented a talk on the differences between introverts and extroverts to the Board of Education as their service learning project. The goal was to promote greater social acceptance and awareness of introversion. Students were motivated by Susan Cain's book Quiet and TED talk. Susan Cain's assistant is a graduate of Montgomery High School.

                                                                                    [Susan's TED Talk]


    For those interested, it is my hope that the use of the Myers Briggs learning style inventory in the classroom will offer students one more tool for navigating their social/emotional development.