• Unit 7 – Chemical Reactions: Particles and Energy
    The following video shows a reaction between copper II chloride and a piece of sheet iron.  (one could also substitute an iron nail).  Watch the video and record your observations, both qualitative and quantitative.  At the end of the video, answer the following questions:
        What evidence have you observed that a chemical reaction has taken place?
        Describe each of the starting materials (color, state of matter, physical properties) then identify the materials based on the observed properties (name and formula)
         Describe each of the product materials, then identify the products based on the observed properties.
        What steps were taken by the experimenter to isolate and purify (1) the solid product, and (2) the left over starting material.
        Analyze the experiment quantitatively.  What was the mass of each pure starting material?  What was the mass of the solid product material?
        Based on the conservation of matter, was there a second product?  What mass? What chemical formula?  What would you have to do isolate the second product?
    The following simulation site might help with learning to balance chemical reactions.


    Chemteam.info provides a number of tutorials and practice problems related to reaction balancing and classification


    3.   Worksheet 1: Balancing Equations 

          Student Reading: Chemical  Equations http://www.visionlearning.com/library/module_viewer.php?mid=56




    4.   Worksheet 2: More Balanced Equations

    Student Reading: Lavoisier and His Law




    PhET simulation: http://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/balancing-chemical-equations

    8.   Summary of reaction Types

    Student Reading: Reaction Types http://chemistry.about.com/cs/generalchemistry/a/aa072103a.htm






    9.   The role of energy in reactions

    Student Reading: Compare Exothermic and Endothermic




    Student Reading: Exothermic Reactions http://www.elmhurst.edu/~chm/vchembook/512energycombust.html

    Difference between Exo and Endo thermic


