Helpful College Websites
College Search:The College Board - http://www.collegeboard.comOrganization of colleges and high schools. The site includes advice for students and parents, a college search, online applications, and everything you need to know about SAT Program testing and the CSS Financial Aid Profile.
The ACT - http://www.actstudent.orgRegistration for the ACT test, as well as test preparation materials for the ACT.
CollegeNet - http://www.collegenet.com/The CollegeNET search engine helps you quickly find the ideal college. Narrow down by region, college sports, major, tuition, and several other criteria. Hotlink from your search list directly to homepages of the schools in which you are interested. Review, compare, and sort schools according to exclusive, detailed profiles provided by ACT.
Campus Tours - http://www.campustours.com/
CampusTours is the "worldwide leader in virtual college tours and academic multimedia", working with hundreds of colleges and universities
Common Application - http://www.commonapp.org
The official site from which you can download the application, view the list of participating colleges, and get application information.
Embark -http://www.embark.com
The site includes a college search, online applications, test prep information, financial aid, and scholarship information, and a section for international students.NJ TRANSFER http://ww.njtransfer.org
This site aids students and parents in navigating through the processes ranging from
selecting community college courses to finding which colleges will accept transferred credits.
Links to all of New Jersey’s two-year and four-year schools are accessible.
Peterson's - http://www.petersons.com
The company which publishes guidebooks. The site includes a college search, information on financial aid, test prep information, online applications, and information on colleges. Also includes information on careers and one of the best sources for information on summer programs.
The Princeton Review - http://www.review.com/
The test prep company. The site includes a college search, advice, information on scholarships and financial aid, discussion groups, online applications, and lots of information on the company's courses and books.
Art Schools - http://www.aicad.org/
Links and helpful information for the student considering a career in art or design. This is the site of the Association of Independent Colleges of Art and Design.
Mapping Your Future - http://www.mapping-your-future.org/Mapping Your Future's mission is to enable individuals to achieve life-long success by empowering schools, students, and families with free, web-based college, financial aid, career, and financial literacy information and services.College Board - http://www.collegeboard.com/
About jobs, careers, college majors, planning, finding a college.
DECA, An Association of Marketing Students- http://www.entrepreneuru.org/A project designed to connect high school students to college entrepreneurship programs.
CSS Profile - http://www.collegeboard.com/
The online first step of the financial aid form required by many selective colleges.
FastWeb - http://www.fastweb.com/
Probably the biggest and best scholarship search site on the web. You do have to register, but it's free.
FinAid - http://www.finaid.org/
Probably the best site for information on all aspects of financial aid. Loans, grants, estimators; if it has to do with financial aid, it is probably here.Guidance Resource - http://www.wisemantech.com/guidance/
This information has been compiled to assist guidance counselors and high school students with planning for the future and other guidance issues.
Scholar Aid - http://www.scholaraid.com/Free college scholarship search & financial aid information resource, connecting students & parents with college funding opportunities.