• Naviance: General Information
    Naviance Frequently Asked Questions
    MHS Counseling/Guidance Department
    Q: What is Naviance?
    A: Naviance is a web-based program where students can access many resources to find out
    how they learn best, what they are good at and what interests them, and how they can use that
    information to set goals and plan their future.
    Q: How do I get my user name and password for Naviance?
    A: User names and passwords are given out by the school counselors when they visit your
    English classes during freshmen year. If you entered MHS after freshmen year, see your
    Q: When do I start using Naviance?
    A: During freshmen year counselors will visit all English classes to get you started. At that time
    you will be given a user name and password and will be tasked with completing the “Learning
    Styles Inventory.” During sophomore year counselors will be visiting Drivers Ed classes to
    assist you in completing “Do What You Are.”
    Q: Who has access to Naviance?
    A: In addition to the individual students, counselors, teachers, and administrators have their
    own accounts and can view what students have completed and can add notes to their file.
    Q: When do I start the college search?
    A: Counselors will be visiting all juniors in either History or English classes to begin the college
    search process. Naviance is a very effective tool in aiding the process and can assist students
    in narrowing their focus to colleges that fit them best.
    Q: What do I need to complete in Naviance?
    A: Students must complete the “Learning Styles Inventory,” “Do What You Are,” student brag
    sheet, and graduation survey in addition to their college application information and
    results. Parents must complete the parent point of view.
    Q: How do I get letters of recommendation?
    A: First ask the person if he/she would be willing to write you a letter (counselors write letters
    for all their seniors). After receiving a positive response, log into Naviance and request it
    online. You will not have access to the letter, but you can see when it has been uploaded and is
    available to be sent.
    Q: How do I request a transcript be sent to a school?
    A: Fill out a pink card. They are available in the Counseling/Guidance office. If you need the
    transcript for self-reporting grades then you may email your counselor or stop in to see them for
    a copy or you may ask one of the guidance secretaries.
    Q: How do I sign up for college visits?
    A: The list of schools is on the Naviance home page. Each school has a link to register. Please
    bring your printed confirmation (pass) to your teacher in order to attend the visit.
    Q: How do I know when materials have been sent for my college applications?
    A: Click on the “Colleges I am Applying to” link under the “Colleges” tab. Look at the Transcript
    column. If it says “Sent,” it means that your materials were mailed or sent electronically.
    A: User names and passwords are given out by the school counselors when they visit your
    English classes during freshmen year. If you entered MHS after freshmen year, see your
Last Modified on October 6, 2016